Copyrighted 2014 by Jacqueline Peppard. All rights reserved.
For those suffering from heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and acid reflux, consideration needs to be given to the quality of fat contained in the ingredients and not that they contain or are made with fat. This meal is suitable for everyone with the foregoing ailments if high quality fats are consumed. Low fat is not what one should seek, but fats that are obtained from animals 100% grass fed or pasture raised or wild caught, organic, and non-GMO certified to obtain the healthy omega three fats our bodies desperately require, and are in so short of supply in our food, and to utilize fat soluble vitamins. I know, quite the complicated and expensive checklist, but given the state of modern day food production, we have to be willing to seek out and demand quality products. Your health is too precious to demand anything less and if you don’t, the medical bills down the line will far out weigh the extra dollar or two you had to pay for pasture raised eggs or wild caught salmon.
Salmon Poached Eggs with Greens
Serves two
4 eggs
4 pieces cold smoked salmon thinly sliced
2 TBLS butter or ghee (If you cannot tolerate dairy whatsoever, including ghee, then use olive oil)
4 cups baby power greens roughly cut (baby kale, beet, swiss chard, arugula, tat soi)
4 scallions diced
No salt recommended. The salmon and/or butter should contain enough.
Coarse ground black pepper
Directions: Prepare the poaching pan and set the eggs aside to become room temperature while you prepare the other ingredients.
Place two slices of salmon side by side on each plate.
Heat the butter in a skillet on medium high and add scallions. Saute lightly and add greens. Turn heat down to medium and saute greens until lightly wilted. Remove from heat and leave in pan for now, but set aside. If you feel you would rather have steamed greens instead, you can do that, but it does loose a little bit of flavor. Also for people with onion allergies, I would substitute (1/2 cup) fennel for the scallions to add flavor. Plus, fennel is great for your digestive system.
Poach your eggs. I like mine cooked about 5 minutes. This seems to cook the white firm but leave a soft yolk.
Place the cooked greens on top of the salmon and add the poached egg. Sprinkle with the coarse pepper on top.
Fennel for scallions
Asparagus for the baby greens