Copyright 2016, Jacqueline Peppard, all rights reserved.
Stay cool as a cucumber on warm summer days with this easy no-cook soup. Gazpacho, for those unfamiliar with the dish, is Spanish in origin and served cold. Traditionally, tomatoes are used to create the soup base, but the below recipe flips around the ingredients and uses cucumber as the soup’s base with tomatoes added as a topping.
Cucumbers Are Amazingly Healthy!
Really they are. Who would have guessed they can do so much more than de-puff your eyes after a night of too much fun.
They are made predominately of water, so they are super hydrating yet rich in fiber. They get you going in more ways than one.
Did you know they protect your brain and are great for relieving stress? Gosh, sign me up!
Dr. Mercola has published an article “9 Health Benefits of Cucumbers” Check it out and learn more about the super powers of a vegetable that seem oh so boring.
Here is the super delicious recipe:
Serves 4
Food Processor
or Blender
1 lb cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered (depends on size)
1/4 cup fresh cilantro or dill sliced fine
1 minced garlic clove
Salt and coarse ground pepper to taste
1 lb cucumber chopped
3/4 cup sour cream or full cream yogurt
4 large scallions chopped
2 TBS fresh lime or lemon juice
1 cup chicken broth
Prepare the tomatoes first so they have time to soak up the herb and garlic flavors. Add cut tomatoes, minced garlic, sliced cilantro or dill, salt and coarse ground pepper to taste, to a large bowl; toss lightly to combine and set aside.
Place 1/4 TSP salt, cucumber, scallions, 2 TBS lemon or lime juice, 3/4 cup sour cream in blender or processor; process until smooth. Slowly drizzle in 1 cup chicken broth until well blended. Divide among four bowls.
Top with prepared tomato (and optional shrimp) evenly divided among bowls.
Add 1 cup pre-cooked baby shrimp to tomato topping.
Don’t like the herbs cilantro or dill? Try basil or mint instead.
Cook’s Notes:
Taste your cucumber to make sure they are sweet and not bitter before preparing soup. While any variety of cucumber works, Lemon or English cucumber are reliably sweet.
While I have made it with yogurt a few times, using sour cream produces a far richer and satisfying meal. The organic Wallaby brand in particular is made with live cultures and full cream. No milk or additives. It is AWESOME!
For those that cannot tolerate dairy, substitute a gelatin rich chicken broth for the sour cream (you know the kind that actually sets up and shakes). This will help with thickening and provides a filling yet savory experience.
Try serving with grilled salmon.
The cucumber soup pairs so well with something grilled. Have you seen my grilled salmon recipe? This is another simple recipe, but it will still impress your friends with it’s gourmet taste and presentation. Check out the recipe here.
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