Copyright 2013 by Jacqueline Peppard, all rights reserved.
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As my daughter once commented, salmon cooked like this “melts in your mouth like butter.”
Serves Six
Preheat grill to 425 degrees – you initially want it hot to sear in the juice and flavor.
1 large salmon fillet, skin-on (about 21/2 – 3 lbs) King Salmon has the best flesh, but Sockeye is good too. Steer clear of Keta Salmon for this particular cooking method.
Extra-virgin olive oil
Remove the salmon from the refrigerator and wash and dry with paper towels. Let set at room temperature for about 15 minutes to take the chill off (no longer than 30 minutes) and to let dry, so it takes the oil better.
Coat the fish with olive oil and oil the grill. Place the salmon, flesh side down, on the clean, preheated grill. After 3 minutes, flip the salmon skin side down and brush with your favorite ginger tamari sauce or marinade. Cook the salmon for another 3 to 4 minutes. As the salmon cooks it will turn from translucent orange to opaque pink. Turn the salmon over and coat with the marinade/sauce (or use my recipe below) and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes.
While the fish is grilling, prepare a glass dish for the salmon; spread 3 tablespoons sauce or half of the recipe below. Remove from grill and place flesh side down in prepared glass dish. Cover with aluminum foil and let rest for 15 minutes. Remove foil and peel of skin. Flip over and glaze with sauce lightly. Serve with freshly diced scallions on top for color contrast.
Ginger Marinade: 1/4 cup organic gluten free tamari (non GMO verified) 1 tblsp ground ginger 1 teaspoon garlic 1 tblsp olive oil 1/2 tblsp sesame oil. Whisk together all ingredients. Divide into two portions. One for brushing the salmon, and one to place in glass dish. This prevents contamination of any bacteria that may be present on the fish when brushing.
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