Creamy Scrambled Eggs with Guacamole

Scrambled Eggs Topped with Guacamole

Scrambled Eggs Topped with Guacamole

Servings: 1 serving


2 eggs

2-3 scallions diced (depends on size)

Olive oil

Coarse ground pepper to taste

Tapatio salsa picante (optional)


1 avocado

1/2 lemon juiced

Garlic powder lightly sprinkled (don’t use too much as it will overpower the delicate flavor of avocado)

Lightly salt


Slice a ripe avocado in half and scoop into a bowl. Add the lemon juice, garlic powder, and salt. Mash together until creamy.

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil in a large non-stick sauté or omelet pan. Sauté the scallions until aromatic and brightly colored. Add the eggs and cook them over medium low heat, lightly folding them over almost until all the egg mixture is almost cooked but not quite – don’t overdo or they become tough – remove from heat immediately.  Sprinkle with the Tapatio to taste and spoon guacamole over top. Serve hot.




Usually people pour the kitchen sink into guacamole and the avocado flavor becomes lost. The traditional method doesn’t really require much except fresh lime or lemon juice, and it is a quick healthy alternative to americanized versions laden with sourcream. This is great with celery sticks, or on top of eggs, or in a salad.

Two servings


1 avocado

1/2 lemon juiced

Garlic powder lightly sprinkled (don’t use too much as it will overpower the delicate flavor of avocado).

Lightly salt


Slice a ripe avocado in half and scoop into a bowl. Add the lemon juice, garlic powder, and salt. Mash together until creamy.


Healthy Alternative to Fast Food Burgers – Have your burger and eat it too!


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No, not tofu or veggie burgers – NOT!
People do not equate healthy eating with consuming hamburgers. The health problem lies not in the meat itself, but in what the animals are fed by the modern agribusiness monopolies.  Any animal fed genetically engineered grain and soybean products do not produce meat compatible with the nutritional needs of our bodies.  Cows eating grain and soybean products are eating food never meant for their bodies.  It upsets their insulin levels which in turn creates unhealthy amounts of saturated fats and disturbs the ratios of omega 6 fatty acids to omega 3 fatty acids in their meat.  Eat sick cows – get sick – it is that simple.
Next time you have a hankering for a hamburger, do not run to your nearest fast-food joint to satiate your craving, but go to the grocery or health-food store and buy a pound of organic, 100% percent grass fed beef. The 100% grass fed designation is important – meat that doesn’t have this qualification – will be grass fed until they are sold and fattened up in feed lots. Be careful and don’t be fooled into paying a hefty price for an inferior product.
Divide the meat into four portions (4 oz) and form into patties. Individually wrap and freeze the ones you won’t be using within the week.  Grass fed hamburger is running about $7-8 a pound, however at $2.00 a patty, this is still a win-win situation both for your pocketbook and the health benefits derived from eating a nutritionally superior product. Sprinkle garlic powder and pepper on the side facing up and cook the patty on the grill or in a pan at medium high temperature for about 4 minutes on each side, and longer if you prefer it well done. While the meat is cooking, prepare a bed of lettuce or garden greens, onion, tomato, and anything else you like on your burger (try to leave the cheese off if you are worried about cholesterol).  Take the burger off the grill and place immediately on the vegetable bed, dollop with organic mayonnaise (preferably homemade) and catsup. This is a healthy alternative to eating restaurant or fast-food burgers, and it is completely satisfying.
Variations: If you have the time, prepare caramelized onions or a green peppercorn sauce to pour on top of your burger. Really good!
Hot Lunch Idea: I get so tired of salads, but this makes a great warm lunch. Cook all three patties. Don’t overcook because you will want to reheat for lunch. Prepare a greens bed as above, place in a microwavable glass salad container and put patty on top of greens. Bring remoulade sauce, salad dressing or a mayonnaise on the side. Once you are ready to eat, pop in microwave for 2 minutes.  Top with your dressing. Lemon vinaigrette makes a great dressing if you would like to heat it up with the greens and patty and forego the heavy mayonnaise base dressings.


Roasted Brussels Sprouts


People who normally don’t like Brussels sprouts – will like these!

Serves: 4

Ingredients: 1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed – ones larger than 1 inch in diameter you may need to cut in half 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Coarse ground pepper Salt (great without salt too)

Directions: Preheat oven to 400°F. Rinse in a colander, place on towel, and pat dry.  Let them set for another 5 minutes to dry. Place Brussels Sprouts in a bowl and toss with oil, salt, and pepper. Salt lightly (don’t get carried away, the roasting seems to intensify and concentrate the salt). Place on a rimmed baking sheet and roast, stirring once or twice, until lightly browned on the outside and tender inside about 25-30 minutes.

Variations: During the last 5 minutes of roasting, add and toss in 1/2 cup cooked and diced bacon. If you use bacon, don’t add salt. Add and toss in 1 tablespoon minced shallots and/or garlic half way through the roasting.
