Servings: 1 serving
2 eggs
2-3 scallions diced (depends on size)
Olive oil
Coarse ground pepper to taste
Tapatio salsa picante (optional)
1 avocado
1/2 lemon juiced
Garlic powder lightly sprinkled (don’t use too much as it will overpower the delicate flavor of avocado)
Lightly salt
Slice a ripe avocado in half and scoop into a bowl. Add the lemon juice, garlic powder, and salt. Mash together until creamy.
In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil in a large non-stick sauté or omelet pan. Sauté the scallions until aromatic and brightly colored. Add the eggs and cook them over medium low heat, lightly folding them over almost until all the egg mixture is almost cooked but not quite – don’t overdo or they become tough – remove from heat immediately. Sprinkle with the Tapatio to taste and spoon guacamole over top. Serve hot.