Copyright 2015 by Jacqueline Peppard, all rights reserved
The low carb, gluten free answer to alleviate your egg roll or potsticker cravings! Young and old will gobble them up and don’t forget the dipping sauce for added fun. Common to many ethnic cuisines of Europe and Asia, meat fillings are rolled with cabbage leaves instead of wheat or rice wrappers.Treat yourself to three filling variations: salmon, ground beef, or chicken – the salmon is highlighted, but the beef and chicken variations are included.
My recipe makes a savory on the go lunch item that can be eaten cold and they are delicious reheated. For the budget conscious, this is an instance where you can use the cheaper salmon varieties such as Keto without sacrificing flavor, however, be careful of bones and pick them out carefully. I like to buy salmon in bulk while it is cheap and freeze for later.
Tip – Grill or roast two large fillets at once – one to eat immediately for dinner with grilled or steamed vegetables and the other to use for rolls or patties the next day. Somehow eating a leftover grilled salmon just isn’t appetizing to most, but re-purposed into a patty or a roll, heck yeah!
Like what you see? The full recipe is now only available in my New Era Healthy Eating Cookbook. Here is the link to check out the cookbook. Had you been an early subscriber, you would have received this recipe long ago when I was first developing it. Sign up and then you never miss out on exclusive recipes delivered directly to your email box, or private Q&A’s, giveaways, blog post notices, and more! There is no cost to join.