Butter, it makes everything taste better, but who would have guessed that it is now considered a healthy fat? Butter contains 3-4 percent butyric acid and is a far superior source of it than grains. Butyric acid also reduces gut permeability, is a primary fuel for your colon cells, and assists with the production of healthy gut flora. Grass fed, organic butter is a rich source of omega fatty acids, CLA, vitamins A and D, and aids in the assimilation of fat soluble vitamins and minerals present in your vegetables (veggies are your best choice for fiber). It is well recognized how important omega fatty acids are to heart and brain health, but it is now believed that conjugated linoleic acid is linked to long-term weight management. That’s right, eating butter derived from grass fed animals will make us lose weight, not make us fat. So ditch the margarine or vegetable shortening required in your recipes and substitute organic, grass fed butter.
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